Friday, June 25, 2010

The Curious Leader

Curiosity forces you to ask, seek and knock! Being curious keeps you from settling in your comfort zone, challenges your thinking, causes reflection, stimulates versatility and compels you to explore, expand and choose!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It's not enough to focus on results but you must fall in love with the results.  Falling in love gives you energy, passion, obsession for the result you desire.  Fall in love with what you want and it will give you the fuel to propel you forward and compel you to finish it!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lead as a Player on the Team

Leadership is influence and without a team to influence there is no leadership. Lead as a player on a team and your individual effort will influence the collective effort of others that is required for a common goal to achieve uncommon success!  Woman, Finish It! Coach Anna McCoy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Advocate for Others

 Nothing is more powerful than recognizing and advocating the talents of others while climbing the ladder of leadership. Whether it is defending their idea, promoting their strengths or pulling them upward and pointing them forward, everyone can use a helping hand!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Identity - Strong Sense of Self and Character

Identity: What is it?  I often tell people, "If you don't define who you are, others will define you. " It's true, isn't it?  We need to have a strong sense of self; otherwise, we are likely to fall victim to the manipulation of others, prone to feel powerless (and subsequently to lack the ability to make choices for ourselves).  Deep introspection--reflecting thoroughly on our thoughts, ideas, past experiences, and behaviors--helps us to discover and define who we really are.