Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Power to Remain

God's original intent for mankind as He placed Adam in Eve in a designated assignment He assures and guarantees your success when you remain in Him. When God placed them in the Garden I believe He was placing mankind in a place of continuous cycles of increase, bursting forth with rapid fruitfulness. Be mindful you can increase and not be fruitful. Fruitfulness comes from your continued abiding in the vine, you must remain connected to continue to have cycles of continuous increase bursting forth with rapid fruitfulness. You can do it, make Him your refuge and He will make your way perfect!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Power of Vision

Got vision for life, love, laughter, or learning?  What's your standard for loving unconditionally?  Will you laugh out loud and enjoy what the world offers even when it hurts?  Are you teachable and open to learn new, exciting and even boring things?  Will you live life or let life live in you by manifesting the best of who you are through love, laughter, learning and living your vision?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Power to Expect

The power to expect keeps us believing in the great possibilities that lie ahead. Expectation is the remedy for hopelessness.