Thursday, May 21, 2009

WAN Covenant in Action #2 Value Education

I value education and sharpen my saw monthly by exploring and learning about people, places, or events that expand my view of the world.

Question: Identify one person, place or event which has expanded your view of the world, reflect on what you learned?

Quote: "Embrace learning for life and you will always make room for being better, doing better and living better." Coach Anna McCoy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wan Covenant in Action #1 Be Conscious

I make conscious decisions in my now that positively affect my future now.

Question: What decision did you make today that you will recognize in the future? For example, do you have a college savings plan now for your infant who in 18 years (a future now) will have an inheritance that will give him/her an opportunity to go to college?

Woman, Act Now!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Confidence comes and goes.  Learn to manage your confidence, eliminate thoughts beliefs and feelings that will set you up for failure. 
  1. I don't have anything to offer.
  2. If only I were more like someone else.
  3. What will other people say?
  4. I can have it all.
  5. It's just who I am, this is me.
Woman, Act Now! 

Monday, May 18, 2009

WAN Covenant #10 Woman of my Word!

I am a woman of my word, I am intentional with actions and I keep my commitments to myself, family and community.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

WAN Covenant #9 Excellent in Spirit

I am a woman of an excellent spirit, it is my right and my essence and I seek improvement continously.