Friday, June 18, 2010

Know when to Quit and When to Stick

"Quitters never win and winners never quit!" Vince Lombardi

There's a new sheriff in town and knowing when to quit is good business and wise leadership.  Winners do quit and quitters do win.  If the facts say quit before you loose your shirt, QUIT!  If the facts say you can stick it out just a bit longer, the reward is coming, STICK!
"Quitting because it's the right thing to do is wisdom!" Coach Anna McCoy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Manage Small Opportunities Well

Have you ever been given a project and you had a thought, "why are they giving this to me?" Well, consider that new assignment as an opportunity to shine. An opportunity is defined as a favorable combination of circumstances, time and place.

When we manage every opportunity regardless of its significance, it will provide a chance, an occasion, or an opening for something greater to occur in our life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exposure - Open to Paradigm Shifts

  Growth in leadership requires a passion for exposure.  As you open yourself up to new opportunities, people, places, or knowledge you expand your view of the world. The picture to the left is commonly used to help individuals experience a paradigm shift instantly.  What do you see?  By shifting perspective you might see an old woman or a young woman, try to see them both.
The shift occurs when what you thought to be true shifts to something else that is also true.  It changes the way you see the world around you.  Being open to paradigm shifts is sobering and empowering at the same time. Great leaders are not afraid to expose themselves to the benefits of paradigm shifts.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mentor and Pass on Knowledge

Achieving success never happens alone, it comes from the top up and the bottom down.  As we pursue our dreams we need others to lend a helping hand to navigate our journey. Never forget where you were before you became and always remember the "reach back" program involves extending your hand to help others and pass on knowledge.