Saturday, May 9, 2009

WAN Covenant #2 Value Education

I value education and sharpen my saw monthly by exploring and learning about people, places, or events that expand my view of the world.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Woman Act Now Covenant

This covenant is an agreement between a woman and her word, which holds her accountable for her own success. With the joint effort of others, she achieves her goals and lives out her purpose. Embrace these words, live them, and act on them. Become all that you are meant to be! Woman, Act Now!

  1. Be Conscious
  2. Value Education
  3. Think Creatively
  4. Master Execution
  5. Dream Bigger!
  6. Just Do It!
  7. Give more than required.
  8. Intentional Integrity
  9. Excellent in Spirit
  10. Woman of my Word!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fail Forward

Failure is is feedback; it is not your end. Fail forward, get up, dust yourself off and decide how to do it differently to succeed! Woman, Act Now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Unbridled Passion

Unbridled passion is destructive, with too much power and too little direction, it causes any plans or pursuits to derail. Woman, Act Now!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Purpose Defined

Purpose, a desire of mind and heart directed for the fulfillment of godly instruction. Woman, Act Now!