Saturday, October 31, 2009


Get more done efficiently. Think through your to-dos and "block schedule" complimentary task so you can do more than one thing at a time.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sand in Your Shoes

Have you been spending all your time playing in the sand? The sand represents that you have been majoring in the minors. Instead of prioritizing and focusing on the most important and urgent matters you have been doing everything else. Instead you should be focusing on the big rocks those things that are a must-do. Identify your big rocks, do them and you will have plenty of time to play in the sand!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stop Floating-Walk it Out!

Feel like you are floating through your days with no directions? Make a decision to WomanThink your day, what six steps do you need to complete to achieve your goal? Get it out of your head!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Goal Setting Tips

It's that time of year, no not the holidays but goal setting time! Over the next two weeks I am going to share tips to simplify your goal setting. Don't wait until January 1, 2010 to get started on your Dreamland experience, start now! Today think about some of the goals you want to achieve. Write them down and over the next few days you can re-think, re-organize, and re-prioritize your activities. Woman, Act Now!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Five - Finish what you start!

Finishing is medicine for the soul! Finish what you start and heal the sickness of procrastination!