Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Signals of Interest

Pay attention to the signals that others give you when they are interested in you or your business. Follow up immediately. Don't wait for others to call you back. Take advantage of the open door before it closes. Woman Act Now!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 Closers to Say the two letters, N.O.

Saying no is one of the most difficult words we have to use when we  choose to serve our needs, goals or objectives over the needs of others.  Use these five closers to say "no" in different ways to empower you do what matters most.
1. Just say "No".
2. I have a prior commitment.
3. I can't do it.
4. I won't do it.
5. You do it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thrive in a Difficult Market

1. Be an executor! Executors believe in the existence of a solution!
2. Have a great attitude! Attitude is your greatest asset, let it shine!
3. Take Action - Resist In-action!
4. Be better - Go the extra mile
5. Be accurate -Dot your I's and cross your T's - carelessness is unacceptable!
6. Be a visionary -Do it right in your mind first and then take action to manifest it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wan In Action - #3 Think Creatively

I commit my time and my mind to thinking creatively, envisioning my future and taking actions on my dreams.

Question: Have you spent any time in the zone, this week?

Quote: "Walk out your ideas in your mind, it is the closest thing to doing the real thing and succeeding the first time!" Coach Anna McCoy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WAN in Action #5- Dream Bigger!

I am a God-size dreamer, I search my heart, my soul and my mind to deliver to the world everything I was created to give it.

Question: Are you dreaming the God-size dream for your life? Are you willing to truly search your heart and mind and deliver your best to the world at any cost?

Quote: "When God gives you a dream bigger than you, trust in Him for the provision to enable you to do it!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clear Messages lead to executed goals

Ever wonder when communicating with others what you want, some don't seem to get it? If you want your ideas to be executed you must articulate four things effectively:

1. The Vision - What is the big picture or the end of the moment?
2. The Goal - What step are we working on that will contribute to the big picture?
3. The How - How can this step be executed?
4. The Follow-up - Did you do what I requested and did you get the result you wanted?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time is your Ally!

If you invest $50 monthly in a mutual fund that earns 6% compound interest over 20 years you will accumulate $27,283.15. Success comes through vision of what the future can hold rather than solely basing it on what you have today! Use time as your advantage, invest in your future! Woman Act Now!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be Explosive!

Explode into your destiny today with passion and power. Let your energy be contagious as you move your vision forward. Make it a blast and do something memorable as you celebrate your explosive power to be your best!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Power Up! Avoid the Energy Sappers!

Sapped of energy? Take an inventory of the people, things and activities in your life. Are they energizing you or sucking the life out of you? Is it time to sever relationships, get more effective rest, change your diet or just breathe more deeply. Without the energy, you lack the motivation and ultimately your are immobilized in action! Woman, Act Now!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 Things to Empower Others to Act on your Dream

1. Communicate your vision with clarity.
2. Know the skill levels and aspirations of others who will help you do what you want.
3. Articulate your confidence in the ability of others to do what you ask of them.
4. Communicate your confidence that people can execute as a awesome team.
5. Delegate responsibility, avoid micromanagement, and followup.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Key Operating Principles

KOP your life! Monitor your own progress in life rather than allowing others to police your behavior. Develop your key operating principles for life. KOP's determine how you will live based on your intention. Woman, Act Now!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mastering Emotions

I will...
Cry when my heart fills with tears.
Laugh out loud when my insides erupt in joy.
Be angry but I will not sin.
Know myself better than anyone knows me.
Hear the whisper in my spirit say,"it's ok, it's not worth it."
Observe my body's reaction internally as it speaks to me.
Master my emotions and they will express the best of me!
Woman, Finish It!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WAN Word of the Day

Critical is the place you get to when you have no more options and your mission can not be aborted but must be accompolished. Are you at the place where fulfilling your mission is critical? What will happen if your destiny becomes mission impossible because you have not made it mission critical? Master your Mission!

Listen to audio Version.https://vr.shapeservices.com/play.php?hash=9bbed80ba2a1c9eaa7210e83d238b4df2fae3866dfe8baa99

Mission Critical

Critical is the place you get to when you have no more options and your mission can not be aborted but must be accompolished. Are you at the place where fulfilling your mission is critical? What will happen if your destiny becomes mission impossible because you have not made it mission critical? Master your Mission!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Live your best life experience!

Life is choice, at least be whimsical.
Think positively as your heart say,
I have rewarding....happiness, truth, inspiration,
integrity, knowledge, peace, freedom.
Shout, sing, dance.
Hope, believe, love.
Share friendship, give thanks, and trust.
Live the best life experience.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Your Best Performance is Now!

Your best performance is the one you do in the now!  Live each moment fully as you master the stage of your life before your final curtain call. Woman, Finish It!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Get Visible-Shine!

You are gifted, your are talented, you are amazing! Let your gifts shine, let your talent shine and let others confirm how amazing you are when you allow them to experience and see the best of who you are!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Clarity is critical for successful execution.

Clarity gets the assignment right.
Clarity helps you honor your commitments.
Clarity keeps you focused on the result.
Clarity eliminates confusion.
Clarity expels excuses.

Be clear about what you do today! Woman Act Now!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time Management Matters

Can you really manage time? Not really, time never ceases! Stop managing time and start managing the "why" to achieve greater results.  Managing the "why" helps you to discover what matters.   Exceptional leaders manage their decisions and priorities based on what or who matters rather than how much time is required to handle the matter!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Precise in Direction

Leaders must hold the line! We must communicate organizational goals clearly, get collaborative agreement, inspire productivity, measure results while maintaining a steady direction to attain relational, intellectual, emotional and financial profitability.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Curious Leader

Curiosity forces you to ask, seek and knock! Being curious keeps you from settling in your comfort zone, challenges your thinking, causes reflection, stimulates versatility and compels you to explore, expand and choose!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It's not enough to focus on results but you must fall in love with the results.  Falling in love gives you energy, passion, obsession for the result you desire.  Fall in love with what you want and it will give you the fuel to propel you forward and compel you to finish it!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lead as a Player on the Team

Leadership is influence and without a team to influence there is no leadership. Lead as a player on a team and your individual effort will influence the collective effort of others that is required for a common goal to achieve uncommon success!  Woman, Finish It! Coach Anna McCoy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Advocate for Others

 Nothing is more powerful than recognizing and advocating the talents of others while climbing the ladder of leadership. Whether it is defending their idea, promoting their strengths or pulling them upward and pointing them forward, everyone can use a helping hand!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Identity - Strong Sense of Self and Character

Identity: What is it?  I often tell people, "If you don't define who you are, others will define you. " It's true, isn't it?  We need to have a strong sense of self; otherwise, we are likely to fall victim to the manipulation of others, prone to feel powerless (and subsequently to lack the ability to make choices for ourselves).  Deep introspection--reflecting thoroughly on our thoughts, ideas, past experiences, and behaviors--helps us to discover and define who we really are.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Know when to Quit and When to Stick

"Quitters never win and winners never quit!" Vince Lombardi

There's a new sheriff in town and knowing when to quit is good business and wise leadership.  Winners do quit and quitters do win.  If the facts say quit before you loose your shirt, QUIT!  If the facts say you can stick it out just a bit longer, the reward is coming, STICK!
"Quitting because it's the right thing to do is wisdom!" Coach Anna McCoy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Manage Small Opportunities Well

Have you ever been given a project and you had a thought, "why are they giving this to me?" Well, consider that new assignment as an opportunity to shine. An opportunity is defined as a favorable combination of circumstances, time and place.

When we manage every opportunity regardless of its significance, it will provide a chance, an occasion, or an opening for something greater to occur in our life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exposure - Open to Paradigm Shifts

  Growth in leadership requires a passion for exposure.  As you open yourself up to new opportunities, people, places, or knowledge you expand your view of the world. The picture to the left is commonly used to help individuals experience a paradigm shift instantly.  What do you see?  By shifting perspective you might see an old woman or a young woman, try to see them both.
The shift occurs when what you thought to be true shifts to something else that is also true.  It changes the way you see the world around you.  Being open to paradigm shifts is sobering and empowering at the same time. Great leaders are not afraid to expose themselves to the benefits of paradigm shifts.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mentor and Pass on Knowledge

Achieving success never happens alone, it comes from the top up and the bottom down.  As we pursue our dreams we need others to lend a helping hand to navigate our journey. Never forget where you were before you became and always remember the "reach back" program involves extending your hand to help others and pass on knowledge.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Servant Leadership

Serving is leading.  Think about this for a moment, the one who serves first leads others by example.  Showing others through acts of service have far greater benefits then commanding and telling.  Be a servant leader, never allow yourself to be beyond any task that would support you in teaching and leading others.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Be Teachable

A teachable spirit will open doors, unlock secrets, build others, accept losses, celebrate failures and shift your paradigms of truth!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Be Versatile

Versatility is everything in getting ahead and leading others. Being versatile is about trust, risk, adventure, openness, expansion, flexibility and a readiness to do what it takes to get you where you want to be in life! Woman, Finish It!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Scrimp Time!

It's time to scrimp. You've heard the saying before, "we had to scrimp, scratch and save just to survive." Six ways to scrimp on your finances:

S- Stop the fiscal bleeding-Elimate Debt
C- Create an emergency fund
R- Reserve Cash, Reduce Spending
I- Increase Revenue Streams
M- Manage Expenses
P- Prepare a budget - adopt a needs base spending policy

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Financial Priorities

Financial priorities are essential for success. Knowing what's a high financial priority versus a low financial priority will make you or break you. For example, if you are single and have two vehicles, maintaining the one that is necessary versus the one you wanted determines the priority. Before you lose it prioritize and keep what's necessary!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Simplify, Simplfy, Simplify!

Ever feel completely overwhelmed when you walk in your office, kitchen, or bedroom. What about getting in your car? I bet it takes the wind right out of you. Think about this: What is within your power to simplify today! Try cleaning out the trunk of your car or just those pockets of the side of the door or the back of the seat. It's a big job but you can do it. Simplifying means getting rid of clutter. De-clutter and simplify some space today, anywhere! Woman, Act Now!